Be Part of a New Music Video.


FRIDAY MAY 6, 2016 @ KUBU STUDIO, 14 Bayley St, Geelong. 7pm onwards.

We always have so much fun filming our music videos, so this time we’ve decided to include more of you guys so that we can share the love around a bit more.

There’s a scene in the music video for my new single “Lap Dog” which is a pumping warehouse concert. To get this footage we are actually going to put on a pumping warehouse concert! (ha ha!…makes sense right?)

We’re dragging a full concert stage and PA in, and lighting the place up like some crazy festival of globes and then putting on a full blown concert of the new material we are about to record for the upcoming album.

That part is the easy part.

Next we need to fill the place with fun loving, music enthusiasts who are willing to hang around for a few hours and have a great time, for free, and be part of our music video.

Believe it or not…that’s the hard part.

Do you think you could help us out?

Get a group of friends together and join us in the fun. Talk about this, share it on social media, help me reach the people who I don’t know yet.

To express my gratitude I’m willing to do the following things for every single person who shows up:

You can choose to receive all or none, it’s your choice.

Those details again:

FRIDAY MAY 6, 2016

@ KUBU STUDIO, 14 Bayley St, Geelong.

7pm onwards.

FREE Concert!

The other cool thing about this date is that it’s Geelong After Dark, Festival of Arts in Geelong CBD, so there will be heaps of really interesting and cool stuff happening all around where we are shooting the clip. That makes it an all-round awesome night to be in Geelong.

Do you reckon you can make it?

If you think you will could you go to the Facebook event page below and click the “Going” button so we can start to get an idea of numbers?

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